Since the start of the TIOBE index, more than 20 years ago, PHP has been a permanent top 10 player. Recently, we saw PHP struggling to stay in that top 10. PHP was once the master of web programming, but now it is facing a lot of competition in this field. This is not to say that PHP is dead. There are still a lot of small and medium enterprises relying on PHP. So I expect PHP to decline further but in a very slow pace. Two of PHP's competitors, Ruby and Groovy, gain both 3 positions this month. Ruby from #16 to #13 and Groovy from #15 to #12. Other interesting moves this month are Lua (from #32 to #26), Dart (from #40 to #31), and Kotlin (from #38 to #33). -- Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software 2021.11